
is a universal language that is capable of collecting, ordering, relating, and retaining experience.

is a way of detaching ourselves from the distractions of an over stimulating, overloading, bombarding visual environment. It is an island of silence, an oasis of undivided attention, a form of meditation, an intense participation in the experience of being aware.

is a means to understanding.

is seeing.


Although it is difficult to define creativity, studies have identified outstanding characteristics of creative people.

They are curious and responsive

They approach new experience with an open mind

They are able to imagine new possibilities

They are willing to take risks

They work long and hard without guaranteed results

They take advantage of accidental results that can lead to desirable if unsought discoveries

Course Description

This studio has been designed to provide you with the conceptual and mechanical tools necessary to translate the 3-dimensional form of the human figure and the space it inhabits to a 2-dimensional drawing surface while engaging in a study of the expressive potential of the drawing experience. We will be seeking the expression of an individual’s perceptual experience and their understanding of materials and techniques, not a catharsis of emotion or a display of idiosyncratic personality. Once you approach a felt understanding of form you will be better equipped to create your own expressive forms.

We will be working from life and imagination. We will work almost exclusively with dry, black media on paper.

Fawad Sidiqui, BS Communications, 2001