The Rainbow Building houses the departmental offices, a number of faculty offices, several graduate studios, as well as the Printmaking facilities and a spacious studio for introductory drawing and figure drawing. |
Entrance to the Studio Annex buildings. Painting occupies the second floor of building on the right . On the first floor are found Ceramics, Sculpture (Glass), Digital Imaging/Graphic Design. |
View of Studio Annex Courtyard looking back toward gated entrance. The stairs to the Painting studios are directly below the porch with the steel railing on the left. Next to teh stairs is the entrance to Ceramics (first floor) The next door down on the left (under the green awning) is the woodshop entrance. Open-air work areas in the structure on the right house ceramic kilns, welding equipment, and a fully functioning glass shop. |
The Painting studio is acccessible by either the stairs or by the elevator in front of them on the right. |
Upon entering the painting studios and turning right you are facing down the first leg of a 'U' shaped hallway that houses faculty and graduate students' studios. The very first door on the left brings you to the Design class room in which are found four well equipped iMacs with the latest versions of Adobe Creative Suite. |
Turning slightly to the left upon entering the second floor reveals the spacious undergraduate painting studio were the first three structured clases in our painting sequence are taught as well as a specialized drawing course that focuses on abstract and non-objective mark making. |
Departmental woodshop is located one floor below the painting studios - it is equipped with a safety stop table saw, a professional chop saw, multiple band saws, and a full assortment of hand tools and wood clamps - assistance with machinery and shop safety instruction is available from the full-time 3d tech |