'look inside' drawing from observaton 3e
(2 minute promotional video)
Drawing from observation demands slow, focused, careful attention be paid to the task at hand. However, even though art making does not customarily benefit from working rapidly, you might consider, if you find yourself seriously pressed for time, adjusting the video playback speed for the following videos to
1.25X or 1.5X
(to adjust the playback speed click on the gear icon located below the video screen to reveal playback speed option)
created to supplement lessons in drawing from observation 3e
these videos are intended for instructional use only

Making sketch-notes from videos, lectures, and readings
(12 minutes)

drawing from observaton 3e recommended reading list
(13 minutes)

drawing from observation
(26 minutes)

chapters 1, 2, 3: introduction
materials and mechanics
(33 minutes)

chapter 4: intuitive gesture
4a. intuitive gesture: introduction
(30 minutes)
4b. intuitive gesture DEMO I
(40 minutes)
4c. intuitive gesture DEMO II
(34 minutes)

chapter 5: Intuitive perspective
intuitive perspective
(16 minutes)

chapter 6: positive/negative shape
positive/negative shape
(9 minutes)

chapter 7: perceptual grid
7a. PART 1: perceptual grid
(15 minutes)
7b. PART 2: perceptual grid
(20 minutes)

chapter 8: proportion

(23 minutes)

chapter 9: tradition of the golden mean
PART I: ancient egypt
(17 minutes)
PART II: stonehenge / ancient israel
(18 minutes)
PART III: ancient greece
(16 minutes)
PART IV: rome / early christian
(16 minutes)
PART V: italian renaissance and enlightenment
(24 minutes)
PART VI: 19th and 20th centuries
(34 minutes)

chapter 10: cross-contour
10. manufacturing an OFFICIAL CLASS FLAG
(6 minutes)
10a. introduction to cross-contour
(33 minutes)
10b-1. PART I: cross-contour - monocular spatial cues
(16 minutes)
10b-2. PART II: cross-contour - contour-line variation to suggest 3d form
(25 minutes)
10b-3. PART III: cross-contour - lemming syndrome,
3-Flag proportion, Striped Chair Drawing
(24 minutes)
10c-1. flag drawing: DEMO I: gesture / proportion / chiaroscuro (23 minutes)
10c-2. flag drawing: DEMO II
(9 minutes)
10d-1. flag drawing: DEMO III
(21 minutes)
10d-2. flag drawing: DEMO IV
17 minutes)
10e-1. flag drawing: DEMO V
(23 minutes)
10e-2. flag drawing DEMO VI
(7 minutes)
10f. flag drawing DEMO VII
(15 minutes)

chapter 11: foreshortened circles
11a. intro to foreshortened circles
(7 minutes)
11b. intro to ellipses: establishing eye-level
(11 minutes)
11c. REVIEW - foreshortened circles: lectures 11a. and 11b. : Intro to ellipses and eye-level

(30 minutes)
11d. foreshortened circles: drawing three cups DEMO I
(15 minutes)
11e. foreshortened circles: establishing elliptical tilt
(8 minutes)
1f. foreshortened circles: putting circular holes in cylinders
(16 minutes)
11g. foreshortened circles: circular forms on spheres
(18 minutes)
11h. foreshortened circles: drawing wheeled vehicles
(10 minutes)
11i. forshortened circles: ALL-IN-ONE
(54 minutes)
11j-1. foreshortened circles: birdhouse - above DEMO II
(27 minutes)
11j-2. foreshortened circles: BIRDHOUSE DEMO III - holes and dowels
(22 minutes)
11k. foreshortened circles: instructor feedback - student birdhouses -
(28 minutes)
1l -1. foreshortened circles: birdhouse DEMO IV - cylinder, torus, and dowel
(28 minutes)

11l-2. foreshortened circles: BIRDHOUSE DEMO V - holes and dowels
(22 minutes)
11m. foreshortened circles: BIRDHOUSES Instructor feedback -student birdhouses
(22 minutes)
11n. foreshortened circles: BIRDHOUSES instructor feedback - student birdhouses - above and below eye-level
(22 minutes)
11o. foreshortened circles: biomorphic BIRDHOUSE
(60 minutes)

chapter 12: biomorphic form
12a. biomorphic form: underlying schema
(31 minutes)
12b. biomorphic form: cross-contour on compound schema
(11 minutes)
12c. biomorphic Form: Irregular form with cross-contour
(27 minutes)
12d. biomorphic form: fanciful composite creatures
(18 minutes)
12e. biomorphic form: building a spider creature DEMO I
(24 minutes)
12f. building a dog creature DEMO II
(24 minutes)
12g. biomorphic form: building an elephant creature
(17 minutes)
12h. biomorphic form: building fish/octopus/manatee creatures DEMO IV
(20 minutes)
12i. biomorphic form: building a jumping fish DEMO V
(5 minutes)
12j. biomorphic form: building a slug creature on the serengeti DEMO VI
(16 minutes)

chapter 13: chiaroscuro
13a. intoduction to chiaroscuro
(34 minutes)
13b. chiaroscuro DEMO I
(33 minutes)
13c. chiaroscuro DEMO II
(16 minutes)
13d. chiaroscuro - in-class still-life DEMO III
(56 minutes)

chapter 14: historical perspective
14a. survey of spatial illusion
(48 minutes)
14b. opposition to perspective
(27 minutes)
14c. flatness / multi-stability
(23 minutes)
14d. cone of vision
(33 minutes)
14e. rediscovery of perspective
(31 minutes)

chapter 15: one- and two-point linear perspective
15a. one-point perspective relationships
( 22 minutes)
15b. two-point perspective relationships
(31 minutes)

chapter 16: three-point linear perspective
three-point linear perspective
(22 minutes)

chapter 17: dynamics of pictorial composition
17a. PART I: compositional dynamics
(25 minutes)
17b. PART II: compositional dynamics
(30 minutes)
17c. PART III: compositional dynamics
(21 minutes)
17d. PART IV: compositional dynamics
(16 minutes)
17e. PART V: compositional dynamics
(23 minutes)

chapter 18: the unclothed figure in historical context
18a. unclothed human figure in the paleolithic / neolithic eras
(15 minutes)
18b. unclothed human figure in the bronze and iron ages
(14 minutes)
18c. unclothed human figure in early christian - renaissance - neo-classical - romantic periods
(14 minutes)
18d. unclothed human figure in modern / postmodern art
(17 minutes)

chapter 19: figure drawing
19a. gesture drawing of the unclothed human figure
(18 minutes)
19b. more gestures of unclothed human figures
(6 minutes)
19c. analytical gesture of the unclothed human figure
(8 minutes)
19d. internal proportions of the unclothed human figure
(20 minutes)
19e. foreshortening and the unclothed human figure
(17 minutes)
19f. the human skeleton: mother nature’s schema
(11 minutes)
19f2. the human skull: mother nature’s schema
(11 minutes)
19g. bridgman’s boxes: stylized structural anatomy
(16 minutes)
19h. cros s-contour on the human figure
(17 minutes)
19i.drawing the human head
(11 minutes)
19j. drawing hands
(13 minutes
19k. drawing the human foot
(8 minutes)
19l. chiaroscuro and the human figure in space
(15 minutes)
19m. cast drawings – constructive and sight-sized
(6 minutes)

email: brian_curtis@mac.com
webpage: brian-curtis.com
University of Miami Faculty Webpage