Associate Professor: Painting/Drawing
Head of Drawing Program
MFA (Painting), University of Houston, 1979

Brian joined the department in 1985. He is a representational painter whose current series of psycho-mythological narratives explores those transitional, tentative moments that occur between times of purposeful activity. In an age that is often categorized as being in a perpetual state of crisis he seeks, by monumentalizing the ordinary, to reinforce the shared human core that is embedded in everyday experience.

In November of 2001 McGraw-Hill College Division published an introductory perceptual drawing text, Drawing from Observation that was written, illustrated, designed and produced by Brian. This book contains over two hundred UM student drawings from our ART 101 course.

This past summer Brian had the opportunity to deliver his recently revised PowerPoint lecture "The Tradition of Sacred Geometry" for the Miamintelligence Lecture Series at their new facility on S. Dixie Highway. This fall Brian will be presenting a paper at the Mid-America College Art Association meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota for a panel on "Innovative Uses of Digital Technology in Foundation Art Programs." He will be offering a dissenting opinion by discussing what he perceives as the drawbacks of over reliance on digital technology in foundations level art courses across the country. In February of 2005 Brian will be chairing the FATE panel at the College Art Association in Atlanta. The theme of his panel is "The Emperor's New Clothes" or "Are the Recent Developments in Foundations Art Curricula as Silly as They Seem?

In the spring of 1999 Brian was awarded the Dean's Excellence in Teaching award and was also a finalist for the Excellence in Teaching Award for the University for both 1999 and 2000. He was nominated again in 2003.

Brian is the head of our drawing program and also works with students in our painting and printmaking programs.

May 2003