Gallery Calendar - EXHIBITIONS

Anderson Ranch Prints Exhibition

Show dates: March 1 thru April 3, 2004
Opening reception: March 5, 2004, 7 9 p.m.
This is an exhibition of prints on loan from Anderson Ranch Arts Center. Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit visual arts community located in the resort community of Snowmass Village, Colorado. Formerly a turn-of-the-century sheep ranch, Anderson Ranch was transformed into an artists community some 35 years ago.
As well as their regular curriculum, Anderson Ranch also offers workshops. Artists of all levels and ages go there for the opportunity to uncover, develop and stretch their creative spirits. Each summer, Anderson Ranch offers over 130 workshops taught by todays most prominent artists and art educators who come to share their skills and experience with more than 1,200 participants.
The prints featured in the Anderson Ranch Printmaking Exhibition have been generously loaned to the CAS Gallery exclusively for our enjoyment. And are all works created by accomplished artists, but printmaking is not necessarily their main area of expertise. This exhibit offers 40 prints from 38 artists.
Artists featured in this exhibition:
Terry Adkins Terry Allen Eric Avery Timothy Berry
Karin Broker Frederick Brown Carole Caroompas Jane Dickson
Eddie Dominguez Roy Dowell Vernon Fisher Don Fritz
Red Grooms Jody Guralnick Hung Liu Luis Jimenez
Robert Kushner Brad Miller Judy Moonelis Gladys Nilsson
Pat Oleszko Ed Paschke David Saunders Susan Shatter
Alexis Smith Paul Soldner James Surls Irv Tepper
Peter Voulkos William Wiley Emily Cheng Eric Fischl
Mark Villareal Roberto Juarez Marcia Weese Mollie Favour
John Walker Kathleen Loe
Florida Printmakers 13th National Competition
This exhibition is a national juried exhibition featuring printmakers from across the nation. Florida Printmakers is an organization whose goal for the last 20 years has been to promote the art of printmaking in the state of Florida. This year, Bradlee Shanks, printmaking Professor at USF.
Show dates: February 5 thru 28, 2004
Opening reception: February 6, 2004, 7 9 p.m.
Artists featured in this exhibition are:
Judith Anderson Ann Athas Debora Bryan April Compare
Michael Connors Andrew Decaen Kip Deeds Mollie Doctrow
Lise Drost James Ehlers Dawn Gettler Steve Gibson
Jean Gumpper Karla Hackenmiller Nicole Hand Diane Hanson
Martha Hayden Rachel Hetzel John Hilton Jayne Jackson
Brian Kelly Kenneth Kerslake Kathryn Maxwell Fethi Meghelli
Alberto Meza Marilyn Nelson Hanne Niederhausen Thom OConnor
Florence Putterman John Risseeuw Agustin Rojas Merrill Shatzman
Marc Snyder Francisco Souto Mike Stephens Carlos Stincer
Anne Stormont Jurgen Strunck Caroline Thorington Patricia Tobin
Miami Collects: CERAMICS Exhibition
This exhibition features ceramic pieces from local collectors that generously loaned portions of their private collections for the public to enjoy.
Show dates: September 19 thru October 12, 2003
Opening reception: September 19, 2003, 7 9 p.m.
Artists featured in this exhibition are:
Wesley Anderegg Adrian Arelo Victor Babu Sam Clarkson
Gina Bobrowski Christy Brown Sam Chung Bruce Cochrane
Michael Corney Molly Cowgill Val Cushing Josh DeWeese
Ed Eberly Ken Ferguson Debra Fritts Julia Galloway
Tyler Gulden Chris Gustin Rebecca Harvey Steven Hill
Jim Klueg Ron Kovach Les Lawrence Peter Lenzo
Ah Leon Linda McFarling Jami McKinnon Alleghany Meadows
Matthew Metz Ron Meyers Andy Nasisse Jeff Oestreich
Lisa Orr Don Pilcher Diane Rosenmiller Linda Sikora
Will Ruggles and Douglas Rankin Virginia Scothie Michael Simon
Gay Smith Mckenzie Smith Tom Turner Mikey Walsh
Kurt Weiser Denise Woodward Janis Mars Wonderlich Joe Zeller
BFA Exhibition
This exhibition features graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts students. BFA graduates are required to host a group exhibition in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.
Show dates: December 9 thru 13, 2003
Closing reception: December 12, 2003, 7 9 p.m.
The graduates featured this semester are:
Beth Goldstein graphic design / multimedia
Stephanie Grote sculpture / photography
Adriana Hernandez printmaking
Marc Johnson painting
Nicole Laing graphic design / multimedia
Holly Nobil graphic design / multimedia
Alumni Exhibition
This exhibition features the artwork of five alumnus of the University of Miami.
Show dates: November 14 thru December 8, 2003
Opening reception: November 14, 2003, 7 9 p.m.
Artists featured in this exhibition are:
Carlos Alves ceramics
Maria Brito mixed media / sculpture
Ruth Adams photography
Nelson Santiago printmaking / painting
Mary Malm painting
Incoming MFA Exhibition
This exhibition features the artwork of our most recently accepted master of fine arts students. Represented in this exhibition is the artwork that led to their acceptance into the masters program at the University of Miami.
Show dates: October 14 thru November 3, 2003
Opening reception: October 17, 2003, 7 9 p.m.
Artists featured in this exhibition are:
Magdelena Boshell painting William Carpenter painting
John (Wess) Carson photography April Compare printmaking
Layla Copeland printmaking Michael Douglas ceramics
Andrew Gambrell painting Gina Jong graphic design
Sherry Jordan printmaking Mikelle Moore photography
Sabbatical Exhibition
This exhibition features digital images by drawing Professor Brian Curtis and prints and paintings by printmaking Professor Lise Drost upon their return from sabbatical.
Show dates: August 22 thru September 17, 2003
Opening reception: August 29, 2003, 7 9 p.m.
M.F.A Exhibition
This is an exhibition presenting the graduating Master of Fine Arts students. Each graduate is required to host a solo exhibition in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts Degree. The graduates featured this semester are:
Helen Otterson ceramics
Show dates: May 16 thru 30, 2003
Opening reception: May 16, 2003, 6 8 p.m.
Artists statement: My interest in biomorphic forms stems from my attraction to the human encounter with disease. Influenced by personal experience and microscopic images of human tissue, I create textured forms, which reference organic growths, in order to explore the relationship between health and disease. Juxtaposing geometric shapes and organic forms creates a metaphor for the relationship between the bodys structured function and the chaos of disease. Disease is an experience that radically transforms life through its ability to force a discussion about human suffering and survival.
Marianne Levy ceramics
Show dates: May 16 thru 30, 2003
Opening reception: May 16, 2003, 6 8 p.m.
Artists statement: Making art is like birthing ritual. For me, the element of surprise that comes form the materialization of an idea is the most exciting aspect of the creative process. Before a piece is finished I dont want to know how it will be; Latent imagery is fed by all that surrounds me, and the result is like a bastard child whose origin is questionable. My goal as an artist is to stay in the unknown and to make art purely for the sake of discovery.
My work has primarily focused on the figure including both abstract and realistic representations, as well as hybrid forms combing human imagery with elements from nature and the animal world. Through the use and development of symbols, both personal and universal, my work reflects and gives insight into psychology that is individual and collective. The meanings are not always clear, especially since I may be intrigued by imagery for reasons that are not initially understood. Issues that seem to resurface time and again for me have to do with gender, sexuality, reappropriation of symbols and myths, and mental illness.
I have gained insight and inspirations from widely diverse resources, including other artists, cultures, experiences, myths, symbols and nature. My most recent and probably significant source of inspiration has been African American quilts like those found in the Gees Bend show at the Whitney this year. These quilts spoke to me of a process dependent heavily on intuition and spontaneity which I wanted to imitate in my own work.
Jacqueline Fischel-Bock painting
Show dates: June 6 thru 13, 2003
Opening reception: June 6, 2003, 6 8 p.m.
Artists statement: I love the process of casting, pouring, painting and layering. This use of media is a form of painting which transforms into sculpture. I make sheets of polymer emulsion that hang on the wall as if they are pictures yet behave like objects. I am inspired by nature. I have made organic membranes from industrial plastic materials. The surfaces are like skin and assert a bodily presence without picturing one. They combine softness and hardness, opacity and translucence, pictorially and symbolism, the two dimensional and the three dimensional.
Alexandra di Pietra painting
Show dates: June 16 thru 27, 2003
Opening reception: June 20, 2003, 6 8 p.m.
Artists statement: My paintings depict moments of introspection and segments of daydreams in an attempt to monumentalize everyday objects and occurrences. I strive to create an instance in which the viewers sense of self and the portraits distinct individuality might feed off one another. I create work that is personal to me, dictated by my emotions and surroundings and I hope to offer a common humanity by confronting the viewer with another person staring back at them.
James Dormer printmaking
Show dates: July 7 thru 18, 2003
Opening reception: July 11, 2003, 6 8 p.m.
Artists statement: I have always been interested in the way things look the realness of objects- their shapes, textures, colors, etc. Having a predilection for these elements has quite naturally led me to question and paint those things that intrigue me with materials for which I have an innate affinity. Equally important is the fact that I love paint building surfaces that suggest forms and spaces that have a real, tangible existence. I believe in the principles of Abstract Expressionism - intuition, introspection, the importance of the process, and the creation of a new reality that acknowledges the significance of the medium itself. A good part of my work is really about these issues as well. I respond to visual elements shape, color, space, etc, and the problems involved with getting these elements down with a sense of visual order.
Most of the work I am interested in and, indeed, my own imagery, deal with elements of draughtmanship the understructure that gives the painting a certain feeling of force and cohesiveness. My imagery is derived from a range of sources life, photography, imagination or pure automatism. Most often its a combination of these. In the end, I try to create a new reality one that goes beyond any predetermined, literal definition or meaning.
B.F.A. Exhibition
This is an exhibition presenting the graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts students.
Due to the number of graduates, we will hold two B.F.A. Exhibitions.
Show dates: first show April 14 thru 25, 2003
Opening reception: April 19, 2003, 6 - 8 p.m.
Show dates: second show April 28 thru May 9, 2003
Closing reception: May 7, 2003, 5 7 p.m.
Featured in the first exhibition are: Featured in the second exhibition are:
Arianne Traverso graphic design Jason Muslin graphic design
Natalie Auth graphic design Keren Globus graphic design
Sara McCranie graphic design Toan Hong graphic design
Eddie Alvarez painting, graphic design Efren Candelaria painting
Lauren Cohen graphic design Michael Douglas ceramics
Ryan Alcantara graphic design Michael Nolasco graphic design
Caridad Sola painting Reeve Schumacher ceramics